Welcome to the Institutional Repository INFOTEC
INFOTEC Institutional Repository (IIR)
INFOTEC convinced and committed with the National Strategy implemented by CONACYT to give open access to the scientific information, technologic and innovation generated by public funds, generated this repository in order that the results of research, technological development, generation of new products, processes and services derived from innovation and final projects graduate related to the field of institutional performance Technologies Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), particularly on the issues of Internet of the future, Big data, embedded systems, appropriation and regulation of ICT, science data, distributed storage, semantic models, knowledge management, among others, can benefit for students, teachers, researchers, scientists , technologists and the general public through the dissemination of knowledge.
Into INFOTEC Institutional Repository there are books, articles, titling projects, patents, memories of events and information about the technological developments made inside the institution.
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Publication Type/ Resource Type | Author(s) | Submit Date |
Aug-2020 | FAF: Marco de trabajo ágil y formal, para el desarrollo de software en El Colegio de México | Trabajo de grado, maestría | Victor Rojas Cortés | 22-Dec-2020 |
2016 | Propuesta de modelo de gobierno electrónico para impulsar la innovación social a nivel local | Trabajo de grado, maestría | FELIPE ALFONSO DELGADO CASTILLO | - |
30-Jul-2020 | Propuesta de software de código abierto como repositorio de gestión docente para el Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos Industrial y de Servicios CETIS N° 2, David Alfaro Siqueiros, turno vespertino | Trabajo de grado, maestría | Edith Barrera Chavira | 2-Dec-2020 |