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SWB Process: A Business Process Management System driven by Semantic Technologies
Hasdai Pacheco
Karen Najera
Javier Solís
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Constant changes in the market force enterprises to continuously define and redefine their business processes, and the technology that supports them, in order to fulfill the organizational objectives. Business Process Management Systems (BPMS) are intensively used in organizations as a useful tool to face those changes. However, as stated in literature and practice, currently there are still some issues that a BPMS has to cope with, such as the low degree of automation of the BPM life-cycle and the gap between the business and IT views on business processes. In this paper, we present SWB Process, a BPMS driven by Semantic Technologies that provides a higher degree of automation and a better support for modeling, implementation, execution, and analysis phases of BPM life-cycle. We focused on describing how the Ontology-Driven Development approach was used to develop SWB Process and we briefly mention how Semantic Technologies, as basis of SWB Process, support the BPM life-cycle. Our BPMS has been validated through real projects in several government agencies in Mexico.
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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